Two for one special happening in the month of May

Top Ten Physical Reasons for Children to Take Martial Arts

11/23/20232 min read

children participating in martial art sparring
children participating in martial art sparring


Martial arts have been practiced for centuries and are known for their physical and mental benefits. They provide a structured and disciplined approach to physical fitness, making them an excellent choice for children. In this article, we will discuss the top ten physical reasons why children should take martial arts.

1. Improved Coordination

Martial arts involve various movements that require coordination between different parts of the body. Regular practice helps children develop better hand-eye and foot-eye coordination, which can benefit them in various sports and daily activities.

2. Increased Strength and Stamina

Participating in martial arts requires strength and endurance. Through training, children can build their muscle strength and improve their overall stamina. This increased physical fitness can enhance their performance in other physical activities as well.

3. Enhanced Flexibility

Martial arts involve stretching exercises that promote flexibility. Regular practice can improve a child's range of motion, making them more agile and less prone to injuries. Flexibility gained through martial arts can also benefit them in other sports and physical activities.

4. Better Balance and Posture

Martial arts training emphasizes proper body alignment, balance, and posture. Children learn to maintain a stable and centered stance, which can improve their overall balance and posture. Good balance and posture are essential for preventing injuries and maintaining overall physical well-being.

5. Improved Cardiovascular Health

Martial arts involve intense physical activity that raises the heart rate. Regular practice can improve cardiovascular health by strengthening the heart and lungs. This increased cardiovascular endurance can benefit children in various aspects of their lives, including daily activities and other sports.

6. Reflex Development

Martial arts training helps children develop quick reflexes and reaction times. Through drills and sparring, they learn to react swiftly to different situations, enhancing their overall reflexes. This skill is valuable in various sports and can also be beneficial for self-defense.

7. Increased Agility and Speed

Martial arts training focuses on agility and speed, helping children become more nimble and quick on their feet. The combination of quick footwork and precise movements enhances their overall agility and speed, making them more efficient in physical activities and sports.

8. Weight Management

Martial arts training involves intense physical activity, which can help children maintain a healthy weight. Regular practice helps burn calories and build lean muscle mass, contributing to weight management and overall physical fitness.

9. Improved Motor Skills

Martial arts training involves a variety of techniques that require precise movements. Children learn to control their bodies and develop fine motor skills through practice. These improved motor skills can benefit them in various aspects of their lives, including academics and other physical activities.

10. Self-Confidence and Discipline

Martial arts training instills self-discipline and self-confidence in children. As they progress in their training and achieve higher belt ranks, they gain a sense of accomplishment and self-assurance. This increased self-confidence and discipline can positively impact their overall physical and mental well-being.


Martial arts offer numerous physical benefits for children, ranging from improved coordination and strength to enhanced cardiovascular health and self-confidence. By enrolling children in martial arts classes, parents can provide them with a structured and disciplined approach to physical fitness, setting them up for a healthier and more active lifestyle.