Kids Classes
Physical fitness for all
it's important to take time away from electronics and video games.
Individual accomplishments are important.
learning and earning come hand in hand.
Making friends
making bonds that last and showing each other respect and fellowship.
Grappling and Ju Jitsu classes
safe way to practice martial arts and gain the knowledge for self defense.
top ten physical reasons for children to take karate
1. Improved coordination
2. Increased strength
3. Enhanced flexibility
4. Better balance and stability
5. Improved cardiovascular health
6. Enhanced agility
7. Increased endurance
8. Better reflexes
9. Improved posture
10. Better body control
top ten mental reasons children should take karate.
1. Improved Confidence
2. Discipline and Self-Control
3. Increased Mental Focus
4. Stress Relief
5. Improved Problem-solving Skills:
6. Goal Setting and Goal Achievement
7. Increased Resilience
8. Emotional Regulation
9. Self-Defense and Safety Awareness
10. Boost in Self-Esteem